Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Commission Workshop Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2024 6:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Blount County Courthouse, Room 430
Live stream via Zoom Meeting ID: 834 7592 2353
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-298 11. MinutesCommission Workshop Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2024.   Not available Video Video
RES 24-449 11. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-012, A Proclamation Honoring Tommy L. Stinnett for his Dedicated Service to the Citizens of Blount County, Tennessee.   Not available Not available
RES 24-444 12. ResolutionApproval of Bonds and Oaths.   Not available Not available
24-299 13. ReportNotaries to be Elected.   Not available Not available
24-300 14. ReportReceiving of Reports. (INFORMATION ONLY)   Not available Not available
24-316 1a. ReportNovember 2024 Financial Reports. (INFORMATION ONLY)   Not available Not available
24-310 15. ReportCertified Election Results for November 5, 2024. (INFORMATION ONLY)   Not available Not available
24-314 16. ReportSouth Blount County Utility District Board (4-Year Term) Mayoral Appointment. (INFORMATION ONLY)   Not available Not available
24-301 17. Report2025 Schedule of Blount County Commission Committee Meetings.   Not available Not available
24-319 18. ReportFY25-26 Budget Calendar. Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).   Not available Not available
RES 24-463 1a. ResolutionResolution 24-12-001, Budget Increase – Schools Capital - $348,000.00 (Appropriate funds for the LED lighting replacement at Heritage Middle School). No action taken by the Budget Committee for lack of motion.    Not available Not available
RES 24-467 1b. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-002, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $55,000.00 (Appropriate $55,000.00 to pay expenses to Juniper Advisory, LLC, a medical consulting group.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
RES 24-465 1c. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-003, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $449,227.00 (Appropriate American Rescue Plan [ARP] funds for additional Stormwater Expenses on the Eagleton Ballpark Renovation Project.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
RES 24-466 1d. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-004, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $358,180.00 (Appropriate American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 [ARPA] and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation [TDEC] funds for the completion of the Knox Chapman utility projects in Blount County.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
RES 24-464 1e. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-005, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $1,678,318.00 (Appropriate American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 [ARPA] and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation [TDEC] funds for the completion of the Tuckaleechee utility project in Blount County.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).   Not available Video Video
RES 24-473 1f. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-006, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $6,020,000.00 (Approve Health Department MOU and appropriate American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 [ARPA] for the use of construction and renovation of the Health Department, no county funds will be used.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
RES 24-474 1g. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-007, Budget Increase - Other General County Government - $943,323.00 (Approve digitization MOU and appropriate American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 [ARPA] for the use of digitizing county records to increase public access and the delivery of government programs and services.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
RES 24-468 1a. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-008, Register of Deeds - (Request of the Tennessee General Assembly to allocate one half of the real estate transfer tax to the county, where the tax was collected, on a recurring basis.) Referred to full commission with a favorable recommendation by the Budget Committee (5-0).    Not available Video Video
24-311 1a. AppointmentBoard of Directors of Blount Memorial Foundation, Inc. (3-Year Term) Mayoral Appointment of Mike Lewis, Kelly A. Love, and D. Kelly Thomas, Jr.   Not available Video Video
24-313 1b. AppointmentIndustrial Development Board and Health & Educational Facilities Board Member (6-Year Term) Appointment. Appoint one of the following recommended Community Leaders: 1) Matt Haralson, Kizer & Black, PLLC; 2) David Shanks, Shanks Co.; OR 3) Tracy Queen, ICC International.   Not available Video Video
24-315 1c. AppointmentPlanning Commission (4-Year Term) Mayoral Appointments of Tom Hodge and Darrell Tipton.   Not available Video Video
24-308 1d. AppointmentCable TV Authority (Term Expires September 2026) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Tom Stinnett.   Not available Video Video
24-305 1e. AppointmentCARES Committee (Term Expires September 2026) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Commissioner Stinnett.   Not available Not available
24-309 1f. AppointmentEmergency Medical Services Board (Term Expires September 2026) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Tom Stinnett.   Not available Not available
24-306 1g. AppointmentFinance Committee (Term Expires September 2026) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Tom Stinnett.   Not available Not available
24-303 1h. AppointmentHuman Resources Committee (Term Expires September 2025) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Tom Stinnett.   Not available Not available
24-304 1i. AppointmentInsurance Committee (Term Expires September 2025) a Commissioner to Fulfill the Vacancy of Tom Stinnett.   Not available Not available
RES 24-456 14. ResolutionCounty Commission Authority for Settlement of Pending Litigation per County Attorney and Risk Management.   Not available Video Video
RES 24-453 15. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-013, A Resolution Authorizing a Continuous Three (3) Year Reappraisal Cycle.   Not available Video Video
RES 24-427 16. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-014, A Resolution to Amend the Zoning Map of Blount County, Tennessee, From S (Suburbanizing) to C (Commercial) for a 2.962 Acre Parcel Located at 3013 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway. The Property is Identified as Tax Map 059 Parcel 041.00.   Not available Video Video
RES 24-459 17. ResolutionSetting of Zoning Public Hearing to Amend the Zoning Map of Blount County, Tennessee, from S (Suburbanizing) to C (Commercial) for a 19.345 Acre Portion of a 34.832 Acre Parcel Located at 3652 U.S. Highway 411 South. The Property is Identified as Tax Map 090 Parcel 018.00.   Not available Video Video
RES 24-469 18. ResolutionResolution No. 24-12-015, A Resolution to Allow Safe Passage in Blount County, Tennessee, for a Certain Visitor From the North Pole. (This Resolution is Introduced in Memory of the Late Commissioner Richard Williams, Jr.)   Not available Video Video